Hope found its way to a remote village in Haiti. The village of Grann Plaine is located on the small island of Île-à-Vache, just off the southwest coast of mainland Haiti.
In this village, there is no electricity, no clean drinking water and no hospitals. Previously, school only went through fourth grade. There was no money to pay the teachers and no money to build a school building.
Hope came in the form of a tuition assistance program and a promise of construction of a school.
By the grace of God, in 2007, Grace School was born! Initially, a few villagers became unpaid teachers, where school was taught under a mango tree. Community leaders joined forces and offered their participation to help with the construction of the school. Teachers began receiving salaries. Many students who had never had the opportunity to go to school now had a chance at an education.
In 2012, a generous donation of solar lighting was installed at the Grann Plaine campus of Grace School making this one of the only schools on Île-à-Vache with electricity. What a change this has made for the students and teachers and for a community that can now hold night time meetings and other activities at the school!
In 2013, construction began on a kindergarten building. The three grades of kindergarten have been meeting in a tiny house. What a joy it was when the overcrowded kindergarten classes moved into more spacious classrooms in the fall of 2013!
In 2016, less than 30% of the students who participated in the national exam this year in Haiti passed. We are so proud that 94% of the students at Grace School passed this difficult exam.