Communiqué #024
to the PEOPLE of HAITI
April 24, 2006
“AND A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM” … Our little Sheila is just such a child! Sheila is in the final stages of the adoption process. She is staying with our Adoption Facilitator at her village for women and children in Port-au-Prince. Sheila will be there for just a few days, prior to flying home to her adoptive family in the states. I was concerned about how she was doing. When I arrived back in Haiti, after my visit to the states, I ran into our Adoption Facilitator at the airport. She told me that Sheila is a great little girl. She said we should be proud. She said that Sheila has very good manners and that she is playing mama to all the kids in her village. When Sheila gets up in the morning, she makes sure all of the children brush their teeth. She has them wash their hands before eating and most importantly she is TEACHING THEM TO PRAY before meals. God is using Sheila, during this agonizingly long adoption process, to share the Good News of Jesus! OUR little Sheila!!!! God’s little ambassador, a little missionary for Him! This, too, should serve as a reminder that even when life doesn’t go my way, God is in control. He has a plan and a purpose for all that happens!
Before little Sheila is even out of Haiti, a new little girl has come to the orphanage to fill the empty bed. Her name is Canaiida (see photo). She is 7 years old and her parents chose her out of five siblings to receive the better life that the orphanage can offer. Imagine having to make such a decision for the children of your family!
Some of you have been inquiring about the status of the two burned children who are being treated in the states. Amanda is the name of the little one from LesCayes. She has received two skin grafts and is home with her host family. Her healing process will be long, however, because of an antibiotic-resistant infection. In spite of this, Amanda is doing quite well. I am not able to get updates on the little boy, as I did not do the processing of his case. The host family, where Amanda is staying, has agreed to take in all three people – Amanda, her mother, and the little boy from Port-au-Prince. Amanda’s mother is very helpful in caring for both children. This has been a blessing not only to the host family, but also to the children. Please keep all of them in your prayers during the continuing medical treatment of the children!
God continues to bless Caribbean Children’s Foundation through its faithful supporters. I am so pleased to announce that we are adding another orphanage to our sponsorship portfolio. This orphanage is located on the Dominican border in northeast Haiti, in the city of Ouanaminthe. The orphanage is called LA MAISON DES AGNEAUX DE DIEU, which translates into English THE HOUSE OF THE LAMBS OF GOD.
Currently three pre-teen girls are living in the home of the founder (Pastor Daniel Paul) while awaiting funds to complete the orphanage building. Pastor Daniel Paul’s inspiration came while watching the faith of his mentor, the late Pastor Israel Izidor. Pastor Daniel Paul, too, believes that God will provide ALL that is needed to make the dream of this ministry to children a reality.
If anyone is so inclined to help with funding for construction materials, bunk beds, kitchen supplies, linens, curtains, children’s clothing and ALL of the many supplies that are needed to get this orphanage up and running, your designated financial contribution can be sent to Caribbean Children’s Foundation on behalf of The House of the Lambs of God (THotLoG) !
As photos of the children become available, I will introduce you to “our newest children!” I am so very excited about this new adventure for the work of our Lord in Haiti. Once again, I appeal to you for your continued prayers for the expanding ministry here! Children are being saved from certain death because of orphanages like THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL ORPHANAGE and THE HOUSE OF THE LAMBS OF GOD! Praise be to Him who reigns in victory over the devil who manifests his ugly head here in the land of voodooism!!!!!
Nora Nunemaker
Missionary to Haiti & the Dominican Republic Until next time ………….